Bamboo Privacy Hedge

Bamboo Privacy Hedge

Inspect our Hedge installations below
(move mouse over each button)

Privacy Hedge - $299/linear foot

Complete installation with alternating 15 gal and 25 gal plants on 3-foot centers including barrier and warranty. You pick the variety!

  • 1 year warranty
  • Extra Soil Removal
  • Regional Delivery
  • 30" deep x .06" thick Polyethylene Rhizome Barrier installation
  • 12' minimum length

Premium Privacy Hedge - $399/linear foot

Complete installation of 25 gal plants on 3-foot centers including barrier and warranty. You pick the variety!

  • 2 year extended warranty
  • Extra Soil Removal
  • Regional Delivery
  • 30" deep x .06" thick Polyethylene Rhizome Barrier installation
  • 1 included Thin and Trim maintenance within 2 years
  • 1 included maintenance and care consultation checkup within 2 years
  • 12' minimum length

Redwood Planter Hedge - $349/linear foot

Complete on-site fabrication of a redwood planter and installation of 15 gal plants on 3-foot centers including barrier and warranty. You pick the variety!

  • 1 year extended warranty
  • All Soil Provided
  • Regional Delivery
  • 0.06" thick Polyethylene Rhizome Barrier lines box
  • Custom built high-quality redwood planter boxes - 6' minimum and 12' maximum length
  • 12' total minimum length (can include multiple boxes)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are linear feet and how do I measure them?
Linear feet represent the length of the fence line that you want to have the hedge planted along. Determine how long you want your privacy hedge to be and you have determined the linear feet.

How much will my hedge cost?
Multiply the length (linear feet) by the rate above and you'll have the cost of the hedge, plus California sales tax. The hedge special is not available for wholesale discounts.

How wide should my hedge be?
The optimum width for a privacy hedge is 3'. This width provides the plants with enough growing room to fill out in the shortest possible time with the largest possible shoots. The width can be varied from just 18" to 5' with no additional cost.

What kind of soil do I need for my hedge to do well?
Bamboo does best in a well drained soil or mulch. The most important thing is to keep the bamboo from being planted in standing water. If the hedge falls in a low area, either plan to build up the hedge in a berm or provide drainage. If your soil is poor, either clay or sand, we offer a great bamboo soil mix that can be added in during the installation. We recommend one bag of soil per linear foot of hedge.

What kind of care will my hedge need?
Very little care will be required once your bamboo is established. However, in those first years you must water often - at least several times a week in the summer. We would also recommend that our Bamboo Giant fertilizer and supplement be applied at least 4 times a year. Gophers love bamboo and must be kept under control if you want to see your bamboo spread.

What species of bamboo can I have installed in my hedge?
Any species that we currently have available - we're more than happy to help you with your selection. You can even mix and match species within your hedge if you like.

How many plants will my hedge have?
Divide the length by 3. This figure tells you how many plants are included in the hedge. Fractions of a plant are rounded to the nearest whole number.

How many of what sized plants will I get in the hedge special?
Divide the number of plants by 2. this figure will tell you how many 15 gallon plants and how many 25 gallon plants are included in the hedge-it's a 50/50 mix. We plant alternating sizes every 3' on the center for optimum growth. 15 gallon plants are between 4' and 10' tall and 25 gallon plants are between 8' and 30' tall, depending on species.

What if I want all 25 gallon plants in my hedge?
Upgrade to the Premium Hedge Special above. Other adjustments can be made for special circumstances.

What if I want to have a custom planting?
Plants can be purchased at the currently published retail price. Installation with 6 month warranty can be purchased at 30% of plant cost for 15 gallon and smaller plants & 60% of plant cost for 25 gallon and larger plants. Rhizome barrier can be purchased for $4 per linear foot and installed with a 6 month warranty for $20 per linear foot.


15' All Inclusive Privacy Hedge:
(Installed in one day with warranty)

Items Purchased Individually:
(Installed by you with no warranty)

4-25 Gallon Plants -
3-15 Gallon Plants -
47' Rhizome Barrier -
Plant Installation -
Barrier Installation -
1 year warranty -
Removal of extra Dirt -
Regional Delivery -
.......TOTAL -


4-25 Gallon Plants ($475 ea) -
3-15 Gallon Plants ($125 ea) -
47' Rhizome Barrier ($4/ft) -
Dig 21' of trench -
Plant Installation -
Plant Losses (assume 30%) -
Removal of extra Dirt -
Regional Delivery -
.......TOTAL -

You Do It!
You Do It!

And YOU do not have to do a thing!

And YOU are doing all the work to save less than $1200!